Josephine “Josie” (Moreland) Dougherty (1852-1923) was born in Kentucky in 1852, but no information could be found on her parents. According to census records, they were both born in Virginia. On June 24, 1890, Josie married Robert Dougherty (1852-1916), son of John and Anna Dougherty, in Scott County, KY. According to the 1900 census, the couple was renting a house in Brunswick, MO where Robert was working as a tobacco twister. By 1902, they were living in Louisville on E. Main Street and both working as tobacco twisters, which means they made chewing tobacco by hand forming a braid-like twist. The couple rented their homes and moved around the quite a bit between the Shelby Park and Phoenix Hill neighborhoods; however, they always worked in tobacco. Over the years the couple worked for K.J. Dietrich, H.N. Martin & Co., and New Era Tobacco Co.
By the late 1800s, Louisville was a center for tobacco trade. By 1890, there were 15 tobacco warehouses, 16 manufacturing plants, and 79 smaller firms that made snuff and cigars. After the turn of the 20th century, tobacco manufacturing kept growing in Louisville along with the number of people using tobacco. After 1913, when the first modern blended cigarette was introduced to the market, tobacco became very popular. The cigarette’s popularity with soldiers caused tobacco production to increase during World War I. On August 6, 1916, Charles died at the age of 64 from heat stroke. He was buried in Section 2, Row 62, Grave 7 of Eastern Cemetery. On February 18, 1923, Josie died at the age of 71 from pneumonia. She had been residing at Parr’s Rest (969 Cherokee Road). Josie was buried next to her husband in Eastern Cemetery. They share a headstone.